1. Defiance or intentional disobedience of teacher or staff Step 1-10
2. Profanity or vulgarity (to include acts, gestures, or symbols Directed at another) Step 4-10
3. Possession or use of tobacco or tobacco related products at school Step 7-10
4. Use, sale, or possession of drugs, look-alike drugs, or alcohol on school grounds or at school functions; intoxication Step 7-10
5. Defacing or otherwise injuring school or personal property (to include writing on walls, inside or outside) Step 4-10 + restitution
6. Physical Altercation, Struggle, Assault Step 6-7
7. Fighting at school, on the way to or from school, or at school Step 7-10
8. Use or possession of dangerous objects Step 7-10
9. Use or possession of weapons or look-alike Step 7-10
10. Use or possession of fireworks, explosive devices or odorous devices Step 7-10
11. Disruptive behavior at school or other school activities Step 4-10
12. Skipping detention Step 6-8
13. Stealing or possession of stolen property (plus retention) Steps 5-10
14. Cutting Classes Steps 1-10
15. Truancy (unauthorized absence) Step 4-1016. Leaving campus without authorization Step 4-10
17. Unauthorized fund raising, including sale of candy or gum Step 5-7
18. Possession of radios, walkmans, beepers, telephones, recorders, laser pointers, televisions, tapes, compact disk (parent pickup) Step 1-7
19. Gambling or possessions of gambling devices Step 1-7
20. Harassment, intimidation, or threatening of students Step 1-10
21. Refusal to identify oneself properly at any school or school district activity Step 1-7
22. Disruptive behavior on the bus or at the bus stop (Note #7) Step 1-10
23. Gang or cult activity Step 1-10
24. Forgery Step 1-10
25. Other misbehavior as determined by the school officials Step 1-10
26. Possession or wearing of caps, sun glasses, disruptive accessories, or offensive clothing. Only parents may pick up banned items. Step 1-7
27. Possession of inappropriate photos or printed materials on weapon making, pornography, violence, hatred, etc. Step 1-10
28. Sexual misconduct or improper touching Step 7-10
29. Bullying Step 7-10
30. Misconduct towards a teacher Step 7-10
31. Misuse of Technology Step 1-10