General Information
Click Directory for Complete Staff Information
2024-2025 Calendar
TPSD Mission and Goals
The Tupelo Public School District serves the community by engaging each
student in an excellent education that develops skills and citizenship
needed for success in a global society.
1. Increase student achievement across the district.
2. Provide a safe, secure and orderly environment in all schools.
3. Attract and retain all stakeholders.
4. Maintain Sound financial stability.
Superintendent/Board of Trustees/Non-Discrimination
Board Members: Mr. Paul Mize, Mrs. Amy Tate, Secretary, Mr. John Milstead,
Mrs. Sherry Davis, President, Dr. Rob Picou, Superintendent, Mrs. Hope Huey, Vice President
The Tupelo Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:
Director of Human Resources/TPSD Administrative Office Post Office Box 557
Tupelo, MS 38802
TMS Mission and Vision Statements
Tupelo Middle School will provide students with a quality education through
challenging coursework, career-oriented electives, a variety of fine arts
options, and a wide range of athletic programs. Tupelo Middle School will be
the best all-around middle school in Mississippi and a nationally-recognized
middle school.
Mission Statement
The mission of Tupelo Middle School is to produce successful students through
engaging lessons in a nurturing, safe, and orderly environment.
Core Beliefs
A quality education is the foundation of an effective society.
An active partnership between home, school, and community is crucial to academic and social success.
ALL students CAN and WILL learn.
Being positive is contagious.
Students need to apply their learning in meaningful contexts in order to become confident, self-directed, lifelong learners.
Each student is equipped with unique needs, interests, and abilities.
Education must encourage personal growth, self-esteem, and mutual respect.
Stated guidelines for behavior and consistent discipline are necessary components of a safe, orderly environment.
Assessment of educational outcomes is essential in order to monitor student learning.
Important Phone Numbers
Numbers You Will Need to Know
Attendance Office 662-840-8790
Band Hall 662-840-8794
Cafeteria 662-840-8795
Fax 662-840-1831
Help Desk 662-840-8796
Media Center 662-840-5931
Nurse’s Office 662-840-5247
Principal’s Office 662-840-8780
Rubber Floor Gym 662-840-8789
Assistant Principals’ Offices
Russ Harrell, Assistant Principal 662-840-5235
Christy Jordan, Assistant Principal 662-840-8787
Landon Morse, Assistant Principal 662-840- 5231
Guidance Offices
Julie Newton, Counselor 662-840-8786
Wendy Ganaway, Counselor 662-841-1200
Leigh Ann Stanford, Counselor 662-840-8787
Arrival/Departure Times & Procedures
TMS 2024-2025
60 Minute Classes
7th Grade
1st 8:00-9:00
2nd 9:04-10:04
3rd 10:08-11:08
4th 11:12-12:37 w/Lunch
5th 12:41-1:41
6th 1:45-2:45
8th Grade
1st 8:00-9:00
2nd 9:04-10:04
3rd 10:08-11:08
4th 11:12-12:12
5th 12:16-1:41 w/Lunch
6th 1:45-2:45
1st wave walkers, car riders, and buses 2:45
2nd wave car riders 2:50
60% Day
1st 8:00-8:30
2nd 8:34-9:04
3rd 9:08-9:38
4th 9:42-11:02 7th Lunch
4th 9:42-10:12-8th no Lunch
5th 11:06-11:36
5th 10:16-11:36 8th With lunch
Drop Off / Pick Up Areas
Students should be dropped off and picked up at the designated areas. Car riders: in front on Varsity Drive, moving east (toward Gloster Street)
School Buses: in the lower parking lot off Hoover Street, moving west. If students are not in the designated exiting areas, the student will be subject to suspension from school. Parents and students, please note the baseball parking lot, Staggs, and the Gloster Creek Village parking lots are not authorized pick up/drop off areas.
Students should plan to arrive on campus before 8:00 am. The first bell will ring at 7:30 am. The tardy bell will ring at 8:00am. Students arriving after 8:00 am should report to the attendance office for a tardy slip. Students arriving late to school are missing critical instruction and learning opportunities as well as interrupting them. Students who arrive at school prior to 7:30 am will not be allowed in the building until 7:30 am unless they are a TPSD employee's child. TPSD employee children may be dropped off at 7:05 at the 8th grade entrance. Due to supervision, no other students may arrive on campus before 7:30 am.
Bus riders will be dismissed at 2:45 pm and will exit the rear of the building and will report to the bus lot and go directly to their bus and board their bus. Students who repeatedly do not go directly to their bus and board the bus will be subjected to disciplinary actions. Disciplinary action may include days of suspension off the bus up to removal from the bus.
1st wave Car riders and walkers will be dismissed at 2:45 pm and will immediately exit the front of the building at the main entrance of the school.
2nd Wave Car riders will be dismissed following the 1st Wave Car riders.
ALL students are expected to be picked up/off campus by 3:15. If a student is continuously being picked up late after 3:15, administration will require an ORC ( Overnight Required Conference) with the parent/guardian. Students may also be required to ride the bus.
K-12 students will be picked up and dropped off at the assigned bus stop for their residence (911) address only, as indicated on their student registration documents.
In case of emergency or extreme hardship, parents/guardians may seek permission for their child to ride to another address or on another bus. Such requests must be in writing, signed by the parent/guardian, and sent, (delivered, emailed or faxed) to the Transportation Department. The Transportation Director will consider the request and notify the parent if such request is approved.
If a student moves to a different address within the District during the school year, and requests a change of bus assignment, the student’s parent/guardian must provide two proofs of the new residency in order for the change to be made.
*See TPSD Board policy JCDAD
Bus driver will record a student’s misbehavior in detail on the Bus Discipline Report, which will be provided to the principal. Each building principal will be responsible for handling discipline problems associated with misbehavior on school buses. A student may enter the bus discipline ladder at any step, depending on the nature of the offense. Referral to the principal during the probationary period prescribed in the discipline step will result in escalation to at least the next step. If a student’s behavior and/ or actions impacts the overall safety of students to and from school, it may result in the studentbeing removed from the bus for the duration of the academic school year.
Arrival and Dismissal Times Delayed Schedule and 60% Day
Student Absences & Excuses/Tardy Plan
Attendance – JBD TPSD Board Policy
One of the common causes of poor grades is poor attendance. Students should not be absent except in case of personal illness or extreme emergencies. Please contact the principal’s office, in writing, if it is absolutely necessary for your child to be out of school for any reason other than illness, emergency, or doctor / dental appointments. An absence will be considered excused once it is approved by the principal and/or his designee. Students are not permitted to check out for lunch. The short lunch period does not allow time to leave the campus and return before instructional time begins.
What to do if your student is absent:
To be considered as having attended school for a full day, a student must be present for 63% of his/her instructional day as fixed by the Board for each individual school. For purposes of reporting absenteeism, a student who has an absence that is more than 37% of the student's instructional day hall be considered absent the entire school day.
1. Excused Absences shall include:
1. Excused Absences shall include:
a. Parental Excused Absences
Students are allowed to have a maximum of three (3) excused parental absences per semester. Parental absences must be substantiated in writing within 2 school days of the absence. A parent/guardian can substantiate the absence by sending a signed note, emailing or faxing to the school attendance office. The note must have the child’s first and last name and date of absence(s). A parent signed checkout will also substantiate a parental excused absence. A parental excused absence may be for one class, any 30-minute period within a class or an entire day.
b. Medical Excused Absences
Students are allowed excused medical absences when the absences result from illness or injury which prevents the student from being physically able to attend school; a medical or dental appointment; isolation ordered by the county health officer, and State Board of Health or appropriate school official. Excuses from the doctor or dentist must be substantiated in writing within 2 school days of the absence.
2. Unexcused Absences- Any absence, tardy, or dismissal, which does not meet the criteria of an excused absence, shall be considered unexcused. No absence will be considered excused when it is due to suspension, expulsion, or other disciplinary action.
Dental / Doctor’s Appointment During School Hours:
If your child needs to check out during the school day for doctor appointments, you must send a note giving the time and purpose of the dismissal. The note must be brought to the attendance office prior to the first period on the day of the dismissal. Parents who come to the school to pick up their child must report to the attendance office.
If your child is sick for 3 or more days and needs assignments, call the Guidance Office: 840-8786 or 841-1200 before 9:00 AM.
Make-Up Work:
Making up work is an important responsibility of the individual student. All teachers are encouraged to provide help in this area whenever possible. However, it should be noted the responsibility for making up work lies with the student.
A student who has been suspended but not immediately placed in an alternative school program may make up the work for the school days missed due to the suspension.
An unexcused absence may be for one period or any part of the school day or for the entire school day.
In order to prevent disruption of instructional time, students will be allowed to use the office phone or receive messages for emergencies only. This will take place through the Attendance Office.
Tardy Policy
Students will be allowed a maximum of 7 cumulative tardies to 1st period as well as 7 cumulative tardies to 2nd through 7th periods for the entire school year before they are considered excessive.
Consequences for excessive tardies:
7th Tardy-ORC (Overnight Required Conference)-Parent Administration conference before student may return
8th Tardy-ORC-Parent Administration conference before student may return
9th Tardy-Half day of In School Detention and Overnight Required Conference
10th Tardy-Full day of In School Detention and Overnight Required Conference
11th Tardy-1 day Out of School Suspension-Overnight Required Conference
12th Tardy- 2 Days of Out of School Suspension-Overnight Required Conference
13th Tardy-Up to Five Days of Out of School Suspension-Overnight Required Conference
14th Tardy-Up to 10 Days of OSS or Placement at Alternative School
*All ORC for tardies will be held between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM
After the 14th Tardy, it will be considered habitual violations and student may be referred for alternative placement. Students who are tardy/absent BUT have a doctor’s note will be excused accordingly. Excuses must be turned in to the attendance clerk in writing within two days of the absence.
Cafeteria Guidelines
Cafeteria Behavior
Students should display appropriate behavior while in the cafeteria. At the scheduled time, teachers will walk students to and from the cafeteria. During this transition time, students are to walk on the right side of the hallway with no talking. The following rules will be
enforced while walking to and from lunch and during lunch:
Students should walk on the right side of the hallway with no talking while going to and from lunch. NO yelling or disturbing behavior will be allowed.
Food should not be carried out of the cafeteria.
Loud talking, moving from seat to seat, getting out of your seat without a teacher’s permission, fighting, and playing are prohibited in the cafeteria.
Always leave the table and floor clean. All trash should be placed in the appropriate trash can.
Cell Phone use is prohibited in the cafeteria.
Breakfast and Lunch Prices
Breakfast- $2.00
Lunch- $3.00
On-line payments for meals can be made through At no charge, parents may create an account in order to have emails sent to their home or phone to notify of low meal balances. Parents may check their child’s meal account balance at any time at no charge. A very small fee is charged when parents prepay money into their child’s meal account. This on-line service includes breakfast and lunch meals.
Parents are welcome to bring their child’s lunch to school. However, lunch must be delivered during the child’s lunch period. Students will only be allowed to pick up their lunch during their designated lunch time. This will prevent interruptions during academic
Parents may apply for free or reduced lunches. If you have not received an application, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher or call the office. You may also find an application by visiting .
Enrollment & Withdrawal Procedures
Enrollment Procedures:
Enrollment Policy
Withdrawal Procedures:
A withdrawal form needs to be completed by TMS in order to enroll your child in another school.
Your child must be cleared by the media center having turned in all textbooks, and library books belonging to the school.
General Information
Student Schedules
All schedule questions and requests must be submitted using the following link Schedule Questions/Changes Form by 8/18/23.
Any requests to move a student from an advanced class to a general class must be
submitted by 10/6/23.
* Specific teacher requests will NOT be met.
We urge you to take every opportunity to meet and talk with your child’s teachers. Schools rely on conferences to supplement report cards and other written forms of communication between parents and teachers. Teachers realize they cannot do the best possible job of educating each child without the help of the child’s parents.Teachers can offer suggestions to parents on how to best support the educational process at home.
If you feel at any time you would like to meet and talk with your child’s teachers, please call the guidance office (662-840-8786 or 662-841-1200) to set up an appointment. You may also contact the teacher directly by email and/or School Status. Appointments can be
arranged during the school day or before and after school.
Vacating School Grounds
All students must vacate all buildings and exit the Tupelo Middle School campus upon the conclusion of each school day (car riders by 3:15 PM) unless they are under the direct supervision of a school official in an organized school-sponsored activity or event.
The principal is responsible for all persons in the building and on the campus and will schedule through his/her designee visits from parents, community members, and other educational professionals. The following policy applies to all visitors entering a school other than for attendance at a scheduled activity open to the general public: In order to assure that no unauthorized persons enter the school with wrongful intent, all visitors will report to the school office when entering to receive authorization and identification passes to visit elsewhere in the building. Parents or citizens who wish to observe a classroom while school is in session must arrange such visits in advance with the principal so that classroom disruption will be minimal. Principals are authorized to refuse entry onto school grounds to persons who do not have legitimate business at the school and to request any unauthorized person or persons engaging in unacceptable conduct to immediately leave school property. Principals are further authorized to request assistance of law enforcement officers in cases of emergency and to seek prosecution to the full extent of the law when persons violate the intent of this policy.
Out of District Students
Out of district students must pay an annual tuition fee. For further information, please contact TPSD central office at 662-841-8855
Office Procedures
The main office is a professional place. Any student who comes to the office should be respectful to all office personnel. Any student who is loud or disrespectful in the office will automatically be sent to ISD. In the case of extreme disrespect or defiance, the school’s
SRO may be contacted for removal of the student from school grounds.
Students are to remain in their classroom during instructional time. If there is an emergency, the student will be given a hall pass by the teacher. No student should be in the hallway without a hall pass. If a student is in the hallway without a pass, he/she will be considered as “cutting class,” and the discipline ladder will be followed. Anytime students are in the hallway, they should walk on the right side of the hallway. Students should not walk in groups to block the flow of traffic or loiter.
In the event of inclement weather and school closings, parents will receive an alert now phone call (automated phone message) with details regarding the closing. The district webpage, as well as local television and radio stations are reliable resources as well.
Student Image Release Policy
As permitted by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, the Tupelo Public School District routinely makes public certain directory information regarding students. Parents and eligible students have from July 15 until September 1 to review this notice and request in writing that all or any part of the directory information not be disclosed without prior written consent.
Dress Code
Board Policy Code JCDB Dress Code for Students
The dress code for Tupelo Middle School is not all inclusive as it is virtually impossible to write a dress and grooming code which will properly address every detail and aspect of appropriate dress and grooming. Therefore, it may become necessary for the building
principal or member of the administrative staff to make a judgment as to whether a student is properly groomed and/or dressed.
A student who is not attired appropriately or who exhibits grooming which is detrimental and/or distractive to the school environment shall be required to make arrangements for more suitable or appropriate dress. If the arrangements for more suitable clothing requires the student to be absent from class, the absence will be designated as unexcused.
Please view the TPSD dress code policy to view ALL guidelines. Students are required to follow dress code
while inside or outside of buildings.
TPSD School Board Policy IFBGA: Internet and Email Safety and Acceptable Use Computer Policy
The Board supports the use of the Internet and electronic communications for the enhancement of student learning and achievement. Access by students to electronic information resources, including laptops, networked services and telecommunications equipment (“EIR”) with the development by staff of appropriate skills to analyze and evaluate these resources and services is recognized by the Board as a valid component of the District’s educational mission.
Students who are issued Chromebooks are responsible for the Chromebook. It shall be in their possession at all times. The device should NOT be left in classrooms or shared with other students. In addition, students are not allowed to share login information (username and password) with other students.
Support Services
Guidance Services:
Guidance services and personnel at Tupelo Middle School exist to assist parents, teachers, and students in understanding and coping with the particular needs of the early adolescent. Many times the way a young person learns to handle feelings, situations, and problems has a great influence on his ability to cope with life. For this reason, the Tupelo Middle School staff feels that each student deserves the best opportunity to develop and grow, not only physically, but also socially and emotionally. We will be glad to work with
parents in any way to help their child learn about himself/herself, find solutions to problems, and plan for the future.
Parent Council:
The purpose of the Parent Council is to develop a united effort between the parent groups from each school and the public at large as one means of securing the highest advantages in education for our children. To accomplish this mission, the Parent Council focuses on providing a forum for communication between parents and the district administrators. Meetings are held once a month. The formal members of the council include representatives from each of the schools' parent support groups (PTA, PTO) and a member-at-large. Attendance by the general public is welcomed and encouraged. Typically, meetings include discussion of programs which relate to all schools. Questions generated by the members and attending parents can be communicated and answered.
Title I is the largest federal aid program for elementary, middle, and high schools. Through Title I, the Federal government gives money to school districts around the country based on the number of at-risk students in each district. The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education. Title I schools have a choice as to how they set up their Title I program as long as the program helps its students meet state academic standards.