Letter Grade |
Points |
93-100 |
A |
4.0 |
90-92 |
A- |
3.7 |
87-89 |
B+ |
3.3 |
83-86 |
B |
3 |
80-82 |
B- |
2.7 |
77-79 |
C+ |
2.3 |
73-76 |
C |
2 |
70-72 |
C- |
1.7 |
67-69 |
D+ |
1.3 |
65-66 |
D |
1 |
Below 65 |
F |
0 |
September 5, 2023 October 19, 2023
November 14, 2023 January 11, 2024
February 6, 2024 March 21,2024
April 16, 2024 May 24,2024
Report Cards
Reports are sent home with the student every nine weeks. Parental signatures are requested on report cards; this signifies parents have seen the card but does not signify approval of grades. Please be sure you see your child’s report card. At the end of the 4th week of each grading period, a progress report will be sent home. Please contact the school guidance office if you have any questions concerning your child’s progress.
Honor Roll
Superintendent’s “A” Honor Roll - This designation is for students who earn an “A” in each class during the grading period. Any “B” or “I” grade would disqualify eligibility.
Principal’s “A-B” Honor Roll - This designation is for students who earn a “B” or higher grade in each class during the grading period. Any “C” or “I” grade would disqualify eligibility.
Rotary Scholars
*Please refer to TPSD Board Policy JN. : The Rotary Club may unilaterally change guidelines as deemed necessary.
Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity
Cheating is a form of academic dishonesty in which a student attempts to give the appearance of a level of knowledge or skill that the student has not obtained. Cheating is defined as participation in any activity in which a student knowingly misrepresents or assists another student to misrepresent his or her actual achievement in any form of academics. Students caught in the act of cheating before or after the act has been completed will be determined to have been cheating. Continuous acts of cheating are dealt with according to Board policy.
Examples of cheating include but are not limited to the following:
Copying from work that is not one’s own while completing an assignment or during a quiz, test, paper, or exam.
Allowing someone to copy one’s work while completing an assignment or during a quiz test, or exam.
Collaborating on any assignment before acquiring the stated and/or written authorization of the teacher.
Using unauthorized materials such as calculators or similar electronic devices not approved by the teacher during a quiz, test, paper, or exam or while completing any other assignment.
Completing an assignment for another person.
Altering graded work after it has already been returned, then submitting the modified assignment for evaluation and/or credit in another class. It would also be considered cheating if the assignment remains unaltered.
Stealing, reproducing, circulating, or receiving by any means, or otherwise gaining access to a quiz, test, or exam prior to the time authorized by the teacher.
Retaining, possessing, using, circulating, or conversing with others about an assignment or a previously given quiz, a test, or exam materials without approval from the teacher.
Providing false information in connection with any inquiry regarding academic integrity.
Copying data or calculations from another group during a classroom lab experiment.
Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty in which a student purposefully takes and/or uses as his/her own work another’s published or unpublished thoughts, ideas, and/or writings. Plagiarism is defined as the verbatim repetition or paraphrasing, without
attribution or citation, of another person’s writing, work, or research.
Violations include but are not limited to the following:
Copying another student’s work and submitting it as one’s own work.
Using any other person or organization to prepare work which one then submits as his/her own.
Paraphrasing the thoughts of another source without printed citation or verbal citation in the case of an oral presentation.
Citing a source that does not exist or citing an online source for which a student has not obtained a date and web address at the time of access (such as a website that no longer is available).
In any case of academic dishonesty, the following basic consequences may occur: receive a zero grade, in school detention, an alternate assignment, and notification to the student’s parents or legal guardians. Additional offenses may result in the following: steps 2 – 8 of Board policy JDE4; the ineligibility for any and all academic recognition; removal of the student from any leadership positions in the school or in extracurricular activities.
Parent conference with the administrator may be scheduled, if requested.