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2024-2025 Calendar

TPSD Mission and Goals

The Tupelo Public School District serves the community by engaging each
student in an excellent education that develops skills and citizenship
needed for success in a global society.
                                                               1. Increase student achievement across the district.
                                                         2. Provide a safe, secure and orderly environment in all schools.
                                                                          3. Attract and retain all stakeholders.
                                                                          4. Maintain Sound financial stability.


Superintendent/Board of Trustees/Non-Discrimination

2023 School Board
Board Members: Mr. Paul Mize, Mrs. Amy Tate, Secretary,  Mr. John Milstead,
Mrs. Sherry Davis, President, Dr. Rob Picou, Superintendent, Mrs. Hope Huey, Vice President
The Tupelo Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities.  The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:  
Director of Human Resources/TPSD Administrative Office Post Office Box 557  
Tupelo, MS  38802  

TPSD Board Policies

Administration - Counselors- Building Directory

First page of the PDF file: AdministrationDirectory

Arrival/Departure Times & Procedures

Arrival/ Dismissal of School
The school day will begin at 8:00 AM and end at 3:00 PM.
Buildings will be open at 7:30 AM daily. Upon arrival to school, a student will report to the appropriate areas of assembly. Students are NOT permitted to remain in cars and are not allowed to assemble in the parking lots upon arrival to school; a courtesy warning will be issued for the first infraction. Any other infractions will be subject to discipline actions. A student may lose driving privileges for repeated violations.
Students arriving to school before 7:30 AM will report to the main courtyard, cafeteria courtyard, cafeteria or to the designated area of assembly. In the event of inclement weather, students will report to either the cafeteria or the physical education gymnasium. Ninth grade students will report to H Commons. Students arriving after 8:30 AM will report to the attendance office for a check-in slip. After a student arrives on campus, he/she must first secure permission before leaving the campus for any reason.
Transportation and Parking
A student transported to school in a privately owned vehicle will enter the campus from either the north parking lot (C Building) or the south parking lot (stadium).
Students transported by the Tupelo Public School District will disembark buses at the designated area. Upon dismissal of school, students transported by the Tupelo Public School District will report to the designated area to board all buses.
The north parking lot near C Building is designated as senior parking during the school year. Juniors and sophomores will park in the south parking lot. Ninth grade students will park in the east parking lot. A student’s car and the parking lots are off-limits to students during the school day. Automobiles parked on the school campus are subject to search when school officials have reason to believe weapons, drugs, or objects prohibited by school policy or state law are contained therein.
A student who drives to school must have proof of insurance and a valid license to drive. Students who drive must also consent to random drug and alcohol testing throughout the school year. It will be the responsibility of each student-driver to purchase a current THS parking decal for five dollars within three weeks following the first day of school. An automobile without a valid parking decal may be removed from campus at the owner’s expense. The parking decal will be displayed on the front windshield on the lower left side—do not tape the decal on the windshield. A student’s driving privileges on campus will be revoked for a minimum of nine (9) weeks if a student purchases or receives a parking decal under false pretenses.
An automobile improperly parked or without a valid parking decal, will receive a warning for the first violation with parent notification. Upon the third violation, the automobile will be removed from campus at the owner’s expense, and the student will face disciplinary action.
Students must park their vehicle upon arrival to campus and immediately exit. They will not be permitted to return to their vehicle un- less permission is granted by an administrator.
Students are expected to abide by all traffic laws when operating their motor vehicle. Loud music is prohibited.
Violation of these parking rules or the operation of a motor vehicle in such a way to cause danger to school property or to endanger life or limb of persons using school facilities, driveways, or parking areas may result in any of the following consequences:
  • Warning or driving privileges suspended for three days
  • Driving privileges suspended for 10 school days
  • Driving privileges suspended for the remainder of the semester
  • Driving privileges suspended for the remainder of the school year

If a student drives or parks on campus while campus driving privileges have been suspended, the student will be assigned ISS (Steps 5-10). Driving privileges may be revoked for a prolonged period if student disregards suspension of driving privileges.
A student who receives a traffic violation notice will be allowed five (5) days from the date of the notice to pay the violation in the security office, room H104, Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10:30 AM and 1:30 PM. A fine will be issued for the second violation; fines will double thereafter for each additional violation.
Students found to have driven onto campus and are not licensed drivers will be subject to disciplinary action by TPSD and a suspension of future driving privileges for 1 semester.
A student who needs to make arrangements for a handicap parking space will notify security, H104.

Arrival and Dismissal Times Delayed Schedule and 60% Day

First page of the PDF file: arrivaldismissal2425_1

Student Absences & Excuses/Tardy Plan

Attendance- JBD TPSD Board Policy  
To be considered as having attended school for a full day, a student must be present for 63% of his/her instructional day as fixed by the Board for each individual school. For purposes of reporting absenteeism, a student who has an absence that is more than 37% of the student’s instructional day shall be considered absent the entire school day. 
  1. Excused Absences shall include:
    a. Parental Excused Absences
Students are allowed to have a maximum of three (3) excused parental absences per semester. Parental absences must be
     substantiated in writing within 2 school days of the absence. A parent/guardian can substantiate the absence by sending a signed
     note, emailing or faxing to the school attendance office. The note must have the child’s name and date of absence(s). A parent signed
     checkout will also substantiate a parental excused absence. A parental excused absence may be for one class, any 30-minute period
     within a class or an entire day.

    b. Medical Excused Absences
Students are allowed excused medical absences when the absences result from illness or injury which prevents the student from
      being physically able to attend school; a medical or dental appointment; isolation ordered by the county health officer, and State
      Board of Health or appropriate school official. Excuses from the doctor or dentist must be substantiated in writing within 2 school
      days of the absence.
2. Unexcused Absences- Any absence, tardy, or dismissal, which does not meet the criteria of an excused absence, shall be considered unexcused. No absence will be considered excused when it is due to suspension, expulsion, or other disciplinary action.
Compulsory Attendance
Compulsory school age child means a child who has attained or will attain the age of six (6) years on or before September 1 of the calendar year and who has not attained the age of seventeen (17) years on or before September 1 of the calendar year. If a compulsory- school-age child has not been enrolled in a school within fifteen (15) calendar days after the first day of the school year of the school which such child is eligible to attend or such child has accumulated five unlawful absences during the school year of the public school in which such child is enrolled, the school district superintendent shall, within two school days or within five calendar days, whichever is less, report such absences to the attendance officer. Section 37-13-91, Mississippi Code Annotated.
Check Out/Check In Procedures
When it becomes necessary for a student to leave school before the regular dismissal time, a parent/guardian will report to Tupelo High School to check-out the student. Such a checkout will require the signature of the parent/guardian or any emergency contact as listed on student’s emergency card. The parental signatures will substantiate as a parental excused absence, unless notified as other by the parent at the time of check-out or check-in.

An advance checkout is acceptable. For example, if it is necessary for a student to leave school early on a Thursday, a parent/guardian may report to Tupelo High School on any day before Thursday to check-out the student. The act of the student checkout may occur at the convenience of the parent/guardian. Three check-ins per semester (not resulting in an absence) may be excused by a parent/guardian for any reason.

Tupelo High School will grant an exception for medical appointments although every effort should be made to schedule such appointments after 2:30 PM. In the event of a medical appointment, the student may submit an appointment card to the attendance office before 8:30 AM. The appointment card will contain the time and date of the appointment as well as the name of the doctor. If the appointment card contains the required information, the student may check out of school. Tupelo High School reserves the right to confirm a medical appointment that requires early dismissal from school.
It is not uncommon for an extenuating circumstance to occur that may prevent a parent or guardian from reporting to Tupelo High School to checkout a student. A member of the THS administrative staff will determine the credibility of the circumstance, and if such a circumstance does exist, authorization to check out of school will be extended to the student.
A student will be recorded as absent from a class if a dismissal requires the student to be absent from class for thirty (30) minutes or longer. Students will be allowed five unexcused check-ins per semester prior to disciplinary action. Students will receive a tardy for the sixth unexcused check-in and any additional check-ins will result in a tardy. All unexcused check-ins may result in both period and daily absences.
Leaving school without proper authorization will result in disciplinary action.  In no case shall a person other than an authorized parent/guardian be permitted to take a student from school unless the principal, or the principal’s designee, is satisfied that such person has the approval of the authorized parent or guardian.
It shall be the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher to make arrangements to complete make-up work upon returning to school. If a student fails to contact the teacher within 48 hours of returning to school after an absence, the student will forfeit the opportunity for any make-up work contained in the make-up work guidelines.
The practice of being punctual is considered by Tupelo High School to be an acquired habit that enhances the student’s ability to succeed in adult life. A student who is absent from the classroom or is tardy in arriving to the classroom will not achieve at the same level as the student who is punctual to class. Tardy to class is defined as not being in the classroom when the tardy bell rings to begin class. Each student will be allowed a cumulative total of five (5) tardies per semester for all classes; not per class. A student who exceeds the allotted number of tardies per semester will be subject to disciplinary action.  For any excessive tardy, the administration reserves the right to review a student’s schedule and make adjustments, if necessary.
Students who report to campus between 8:00 and 8:30 will receive a tardy. Students who report to campus after 8:30 will be considered absent for first period and should report to the Attendance office for a check in slip.  To excuse this absence will require students to follow the THS attendance procedures for a parental or medical excuse.  Car trouble, personal and/or family errands, failure to awaken, failure to be awakened by a family member, or a family member assuming responsibility for a late arrival to school or to the first scheduled class are not examples of an excused tardy.
Students will be allowed five (5) unexcused check-ins per semester prior to disciplinary action. An unexcused check-in will also count as an unexcused tardy. Students will receive a tardy for any additional unexcused check-ins and will be subject to disciplinary action. All unexcused check-ins may result in both period and daily absences.
Each student will be allowed five (5) tardies per semester. A student who exceeds the allotted number of tardies per semester will be subject to disciplinary action.
A student will be considered truant if the student is unaccountably absent from class for five minutes. Disciplinary action will
occur for all truancy reports.  If the student is truant for 30 minutes or more the student will receive an unexcused absence
in the class.
Make-Up Work
A student will be expected to complete and submit all class assignments and/or homework upon returning to school if the assignments and/or homework were assigned prior to the student’s absence. The same is true for a test – the student will be expected to take a test upon returning to school if the test had been assigned prior to the student’s absence. However, the teacher will have discretion to make other arrangements, if necessary. Long-term assignments (assignments made at least two weeks in advance) are due the day of the student’s return to school from an excused absence. If the student is in school or on campus before leaving for a school activity, the student will turn in the long-term assignment(s) before school begins (before leaving for the school activity), between classes, or during lunch in order to avoid late penalties. Long-term assignments that are graded may be turned in late with a one grade-letter penalty for each day late. After the fourth day, the assignment will not be accepted.
The guidelines for make-up work are as follows:
  • An additional day to complete make-up work will be extended to a student in addition to the number of days missed consecutively from school for an excused absence. A student who is absent for one day will have two days to complete make-up work; a student absent from school for two consecutive days will have three days to complete make-up work; a student absent for three consecutive days will have four days to complete make-up work, etc.

Cafeteria Guidelines

Tupelo High School is a closed campus. Students are encouraged to exhibit courteous and appropriate manners while in the cafeteria. Strict adherence to the lunch schedule will be observed. Students will return trays and waste to the appropriate return areas when finished. Cafeteria trays and any food items will not be allowed outside the cafeteria, unless “grab-n-go” meals are in effect per administration. Fast food delivery from third party vendors or anyone other than the student’s relative during school hours, is prohibited.
Drinks and Food
Food and drinks shall be consumed in the cafeteria unless an order for “grab-n-go” for meals is instituted by the administration, in which case, students will consume those meals during the approved breakfast and lunch times in their respective classes.
Bottled water may be consumed in the classroom throughout the day as well as during meals.


Enrollment & Withdrawal Procedures

Enrollment Procedures:
Enrollment Policy
Withdrawal Procedures:
  • A withdrawal form needs to be completed by THS in order to enroll your child in another school.
  • Your child must be cleared by the media center having turned in all textbooks, and library books belonging to the school.

General Information


The principal is responsible for all persons in the building and on the campus and will schedule through his/her designee visits from parents, community members, and other educational professionals. The following policy applies to all visitors entering a school other than for attendance at a scheduled activity open to the general public:  In order to assure that no unauthorized persons enter the school with wrongful intent, all visitors will report to the school office when entering to receive authorization and identification passes to visit elsewhere in the building.  Parents or citizens who wish to observe a classroom while school is in session must arrange such visits in advance with the principal so that classroom disruption will be minimal.  Principals are authorized to refuse entry onto school grounds to persons who do not have legitimate business at the school and to request any unauthorized person or persons engaging in unacceptable conduct to immediately leave school property. Principals are further authorized to request assistance of law enforcement officers in cases of emergency and to seek prosecution to the full extent of the law when persons violate the intent of this policy. 
Solicitations and Fundraising
Educational facilities, personnel, and students will not be utilized in any manner for the promotion or sale of services or products offered by individuals or private organizations operating for a profit. The following are specifically prohibited:
  • Distribution by student or personnel of pamphlets urging students, parents, and/or others to purchase services or products sold for profit;
  • Sale by students or personnel of products or services, except in relation to school sponsored activities approved by the principal; and
  • Similar activities that would involve the time of personnel and students and interfere with the normal schedules and activities of the school.

All schools will earnestly seek to educate students in the services performed by humanitarian agencies, and will encourage students to participate in their financial support and community projects, but fund-raising drives should not be conducted by such organizations among the students during school hours. Activities such as games of chance or raffles may not be conducted or sponsored in school buildings or on school grounds. In addition, fund raising activities will not be permitted to interfere with the school’s nutritional program.
Written permission from parents must be on file in the school prior to allowing any student to participate in a fund-raising activity. No student shall be required to participate in any fund-raising activity. Any school club or organization must request and receive permission from the principal to engage in fund raising activity. The request must be in writing by the sponsor of the club or organization. Plans for such activities should be made well in advance of the event and the total fund-raising efforts must not be a burden or nuisance to the students, faculty, parents, or the community.
In the event of inclement weather and school closings, parents will receive an alert now phone call (automated phone message) with details regarding the closing.  The district webpage, as well as local television and radio stations are reliable resources as well.
Student Image Release Policy
As permitted by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, the Tupelo Public School District routinely makes public certain directory information regarding students. Parents and eligible students have from July 15 until September 1 to review this notice and request in writing that all or any part of the directory information not be disclosed without prior written consent.
Emergency Drills
In accordance with District and state emergency and safety regulations, unannounced emergency drills will be conducted throughout the year. In the event of a fire drill, a warning will be issued by the continuous sound of a loud buzzer and voice command. Students will exit the classroom as instructed by the classroom teacher in an orderly fashion and assemble in the area designated by the class- room teacher. The classroom roll will be checked at the assembly area. In the event of a tornado drill, a warning will be issued by the intermittent ringing of the regular school bell and voice command. Students will exit classrooms and report to designated areas of assembly as instructed by the classroom teacher. The classroom roll will be checked once students arrive at the assembly area. Upon completion of the drill, students will return to their respective classrooms upon the ringing of the regular bell and voice command. A student will not be allowed to leave school without a parent/guardian during the execution of an emergency drill.
Off Campus Activities
School policies and discipline apply to student conduct that occurs off-campus and would violate the Code of Student Conduct if:
  • There is a nexus between the proximity or timing of the conduct in relation to the student's attendance at school or school-

    sponsored activities.
  • The student is a member of an extracurricular activity and has been notified that particular off-campus conduct could result

    in exclusion from such activities.
  • Student expression or conduct materially and substantially disrupts the operations of the school

    or the administration reasonably anticipates that the expression or conduct is likely to materially and and substantially

    disrupt the operations of the school.
  • The conduct has a direct nexus to attendance at school or a school-sponsored activity, such as an agreement made

    on school property to complete a transaction outside of school that would violate the Code of Student Conduct.


Restroom Privileges
A student shall receive proper authorization before exiting a classroom for restroom purposes. A restroom “excuse” will include a written excuse verifying teacher authorization. Failure to receive prior authorization before leaving the classroom will result in disciplinary action.
Class favorite elections will be conducted in the following manner: students will nominate students for class favorites and the nominations will count as votes as there will be no additional voting. A student who has received ISS or OSS will not be eligible for any election.
The election for Mr. and Miss THS will require enrollment as a full-time student at Tupelo High School for three (3) continuous semesters prior to the election, a cumulative 3.0 GPA, and no major discipline referrals. Each senior may nominate only one boy and one girl, and all nominees must meet the requirements. The final ballot will consist of five nominees for Ms. THS and five nominees for Mr. THS – the top five nominees chosen by the senior class.
A sign or poster will not be posted in any building or on the campus without permission from an administrator. Signs or posters may not be taped to windows, glass, or plexiglass. An administrator’s initials will signify that permission has been granted to post the sign or poster. A student or group responsible for posting the sign must remove the sign within twenty-four (24) hours after the event.
Tupelo High School offers over 60 clubs for students to participate in. Clubs offer a great opportunity for students to get involved at Tupelo High School. Club participation also allows for students to gain points towards receiving an honor letter their senior year. If students are interested in participating in a club, they may sign up at the annual club fair, which takes place in H commons. An announcement will be made regarding the date of the club fair.
If you are interested in starting a club, you may pick up a club application request in A108 for approval. All clubs must have prior approval and must have a THS teacher as the sponsor.
Intramural Sports
In order to provide more opportunities for students to participate in athletics, the District may offer intramural sports at Tupelo High School and/or Tupelo Middle School. The intramural sports program will be conducted under the supervision of the principals, who may appoint a designee to be responsible for programming, scheduling, supervision, etc.


Sports will be offered based on the current interests of the student body. Any group interested in starting an intramural program in a particular sport should contact the school principal. If it is shown that there are an adequate number of students interested in starting an intramural program in that sport, every reasonable effort will be made to do so.
Intramural sports at Tupelo High School will be governed by the following guidelines:
  • The intramural sports program will be conducted under the supervision of the principal or designee.
  • All intramural contests will be played after school hours.
  • All contests will be supervised by a district staff member.
  • While a physical examination is not required, it is encouraged. A participant may instead choose to submit a waiver of physical examination form, along with a medical history form and a permission form, all of which must be signed by hi/her parent or guardian.
  • Participants must be enrolled in either THS or TMS. Students attending the alternative school or suspended or expelled may not participate.
  • Students who participate in varsity athletics may not play intramurals in the same sport.
  • National Federation rules shall govern in each sport.
  • A participant may not play in an intramural contest  if he/she was absent from school that day.
  • No minimum grade point average is required of intramural participants.
  • Participation in intramural sports is a privilege an not a right. Administration may limit and/or restrict a student's participation in intramurals if he/she has violated school policy.
Student Social Events
The TPSD Board of Trustees recognizes that well planned social events can contribute to the individual development of students and accordingly authorizes such activities. To that extent, the Board authorizes the participation of high school students in social activities sponsored by sanctioned school clubs and organizations with the approval of the principal prior to the public announcement of the event.
School sponsored activities for high school students will be concluded at least thirty minutes prior to the local curfew for minors. Social activities may not be scheduled for the night immediately preceding state mandated or end of term testing.
All such social activities must be fully chaperoned by members of the teaching staff, administration and where possible, by parents of students involved. Hours and rules of participation will be reasonable and subject to the approval of the principal. Students or guests who violate the rules of participation will be removed from the premises and referred to the appropriate authorities. Attendance at school sponsored social events may be limited to students in good standing.

Sportsmanship and Sporting Events
Tupelo High School adheres to the policies and regulations of the MHSAA and will promote sportsmanship in all activities and events. Good sportsmanship is defined by the National Federation of High School Athletic Associations as a concrete measure of the understanding and commitment to fair play. Students are reminded that a ticket to an athletic event or activity is a privilege to observe a contest and support the team, not a license to verbally assault game officials, the opposing team, or its fans.
Tupelo High School supports an alcohol and drug-free environment for learning, activities, and athletics. To support this endeavor, beverages not purchased from the event concession stand or school approved vendors, or carried into the event in any cup, glass, can, or other open or unsealed container are prohibited. Exceptions may be water, infant formula, or other beverages deemed acceptable by the administration.

Dress Code

Board Policy Code JCDB Dress Code for Students

The dress code for Tupelo High School is not all inclusive as it is virtually impossible to write a dress and grooming code which will properly address every detail and aspect of appropriate dress and grooming. Therefore, it may become necessary for the building
principal or member of the administrative staff to make a judgment as to whether a student is properly groomed and/or dressed.

A student who is not attired appropriately or who exhibits grooming which is detrimental and/or distractive to the school environment shall be required to make arrangements for more suitable or appropriate dress. If the arrangements for more suitable clothing requires the student to be absent from class, the absence will be designated as unexcused.

Please view the TPSD dress code policy to view ALL guidelines. Students are required to follow dress code
while inside or outside of buildings.


TPSD School Board Policy IFBGA:  Internet and Email Safety and Acceptable Use Computer Policy
The Board supports the use of the Internet and electronic communications for the enhancement of student learning and achievement. Access by students to electronic information resources, including laptops, networked services and telecommunications equipment (“EIR”) with the development by staff of appropriate skills to analyze and evaluate these resources and services is recognized by the Board as a valid component of the District’s educational mission.


Students who are issued Chromebooks are responsible for the Chromebook. It shall bein their possession at all times. The device should NOT be left in classrooms or shared with other students. In addition, students are not allowed to share login information (username and password) with other students.


Use of Cell Phones and Electronic Devices in School
Use and misuse of cell phones has become a serious problem that threatens the ability of the District’s schools to properly and efficiently operate their educational programs. Therefore, cell phones and wireless earbuds/headphones are not to be seen nor heard inside school buildings during school hours.
Under special circumstances, a teacher may allow students in his/her class to use their cell phones or during that class only, solely for purposes relating to the educational objectives of that class, and only upon specific verbal instruction by the teacher. Examples of appropriate uses include but are not limited to notating assignments in the device’s calendar function, utilizing the calculator function, memo function, etc. Improper use or using the device after the educational objective has been completed will subject students to the consequences listed below.
The use of cell phones at school-sponsored functions outside the regular school day is permitted only to the extent and within the limitations allowed by the event or activity the student is attending.
Violation of this policy will subject the student to discipline under this provision and/or any other applicable provision in the Student Code of Conduct.
The student and/or the student’s parents/guardians expressly assume any risk associated with students owning or possessing technology equipment including cell phones. The students’ parent/guardian may file a police report with the school resource officer.

  • "Cell phone" shall include paging devices and wireless earbuds and all other types of telecommunications and/or electronic device and accessories.
  • "Use of a cell phone" includes any incoming or outgoing call, text message, message waiting, page, or any other audible sound coming from the device.
  • In the event of an emergency condition that may require the need for a cell phone, the principal or designee will provide specific written approval and instructions for use of  a cell phone.
  • Students in violation of this policy will be referred to administration and the cellphone may be confiscated. Parent/guardian of the student will be notified. The school will retain the confiscated ell phone until the student has completed the discipline, imposed after which it will be returned to the parent/guardian.

Support Services

Title I is the largest federal aid program for elementary, middle, and high schools. Through Title I, the Federal government gives money to school districts around the country based on the number of at-risk students in each district. The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education. Title I schools have a choice as to how they set up their Title I program as long as the program helps its students meet state academic standards.


Nondiscrimination Statement
The Tupelo Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person has beendesignated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:
Director of Human Resources
TPSD Administrative Office
P.O. Box 557
Tupelo, Mississippi 38802
The Tupelo Public School District routinely makes public certain directory information regarding students. This directory information includes the student name, address, telephone number, picture, height and weight of athletes, extracurricular activities, awards, honor rolls, electronic listings, Internet web pages, and other information which is typically found in school yearbooks, programs, bulletins, and student newspapers. In addition, the District discloses names, addresses, and telephone numbers to military recruiters upon request. Parents and eligible students shall have from July 15 until September 1 to review this notice and request in writing to the school principal that all or any part of the directory information not be disclosed without prior written consent.
In accordance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) regulations established by
the EPA, all school districts are required to provide an annual notification to all parents, teachers, and
employees regarding our asbestos management program. This annual notification informs all persons of
their option to review the Asbestos Management Plan for our school district.
To provide continuing management of the asbestos in our schools, all Asbestos-Containing Materials
(ACM) are inspected every six months by an accredited asbestos inspector. Any changes to these
materials are recorded in a surveillance report as part of the management plan.
Additionally, an accredited Asbestos Management Planner conducts a comprehensive inspection of all
ACM’s every 3 years. This 3-year re-inspection has been performed as required and a copy has been
filed with the Mississippi Department of Education.
A copy of the Asbestos Management Plan is located in the principal’s office at each school. In addition,
copies of all Asbestos Management Plans for the district are maintained in the Superintendent’s office
located at 72 South Green Street. If you are interested in reviewing this information, please contact the
Central Office at 662-841-8853 to schedule an appointment.