Dual Credit Information
THS must have confirmation that a student meets the requirements to be placed in a dual credit class prior to the start of that particular course.
You must check with the admissions office of the college or university your student plans to attend upon graduation for specific information regarding how/if dual credit classes will transfer. It is the responsibility of the student and/or parent to make sure the dual credit courses are transferable.
Payments will be made online through each institution before the completion of the course(s). Transcripts/grades will be on hold until payments have been made.
ICC will offer a discounted rate of tuition for each dual credit course up to 15 semester hours. Students must maintain a "C" or better to be eligible for the discounted rate. Additionally, withdrawal from a dual credit course will result in student ineligibility to receive the tuition discount.
The Dual Credit Information sheet displays the information about the courses offered, requirements, and costs.
Itawamba Community College Courses
If you have taken a course from another institution such as Delta State, then you will be required to send your official transcript to ICC. Request a transcript from DSU (please request the PDF form) here.
Students may take the Accuplacer at the ICC Tupelo campus for placement in College Algebra or English Comp 1/2. For additional information regarding the Accuplacer, call the Itawamba Testing Center at 662-620-5338.
Delta State University Courses
Complete and email the following documents to brterrell@tupeloschools.com
All payments are due at the time of registration by cash or check made payable to Tupelo High School.