National CTE (Career-Technical Education) Month
Tupelo Career-Technical Center celebrates National CTE (Career Technical Education) Month annually. National CTE Month is where we take the opportunity and incorporate a trilogy of events, that includes CTE program recruitment, a college fair and a career fair; all in one. The career and college fair was designed as a recruitment tool for the Career-Technical programs as well as expose Tupelo High School students to the careers that fall under the umbrella of a wide range of pathways that the Tupelo Career-Technical Center offers. The college component of the fair, allows students to connect those careers to colleges that offer those field of studies. The overall goal is prepare our students for their futures and supply them with options that can lead to very positive and productive careers; whether they choose the college or career path or both. Our visitors during National CTE month include several colleges and universities, Business and industries and various representatives from each branch of the military that fill the halls of two buildings.
The month of February is designated nationally as National CTE month. The Recruitment/Career-College fair has taken place for over 5 years and has gotten bigger and better each year.
Tupelo High School has on average, a student population of 1,800 students. Each teacher advisory class is encouraged to allow their students to participate in the fair. On average, at least 1,500 students or better tour the programs and/or are engaged in the college/career fair.