2024-25 Student Handbook


Anthony Golding, Principal
Welcome to Pierce Street Elementary
My name is Anthony Golding and I am excited to begin the 2023-2024 school year as your new principal. I feel honored to lead a school with such a rich history of academic and co-curricular excellence. Here at PSE, we believe that every student is capable of learning, growing, and excelling, and we help students excel by ensuring they have access to evidence-based instructional strategies across the entire curriculum. We work diligently to enhance the creative arts and emphasize creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and other skills required to be productive citizens in and ever changing society. I personally believe that all students are entitled to a supportive, safe, and rewarding school environment. We intend to grow your student(s) academically and socially while celebrating our successes along the way.
Parental involvement is key to our success, however. Working with you, I plan to build productive relationships between Pierce Street Elementary and the Tupelo community as we work towards our common goals. Please know, at PSE, you are welcome and you are heard. I am so excited to work alongside you.


With Pierce Street Pride,
Anthony S. Golding, Principal

24-25 Handbook Printable Version

Parent and Student Acknowlegement


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Parent and Student Acknowlegement Form