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2024-2025 Calendar

TPSD Mission and Goals

The Tupelo Public School District serves the community by engaging each
student in an excellent education that develops skills and citizenship
needed for success in a global society.
                                                               1. Increase student achievement across the district.
                                                         2. Provide a safe, secure and orderly environment in all schools.
                                                                          3. Attract and retain all stakeholders.
                                                                          4. Maintain Sound financial stability.


Superintendent/Board of Trustees/Non-Discrimination

2023 School Board
Board Members: Mr. Paul Mize, Mrs. Amy Tate, Secretary,  Mr. John Milstead,
Mrs. Sherry Davis, President, Dr. Rob Picou, Superintendent, Mrs. Hope Huey, Vice President
The Tupelo Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities.  The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:  
Director of Human Resources/TPSD Administrative Office Post Office Box 557  
Tupelo, MS  38802  

Parkway Mission Statement

The mission of Parkway Elementary School is to actively engage all students
in learning that will meaningfully connect them to the world.

Arrival/Departure Times & Procedures

ARRIVAL- Classroom instruction begins at 7:50 a.m. Adult supervision begins at 7:15 am. The safety and security of the children is our top priority. Please do not attempt to drop off your child if there is not a staff member outside. Parents are urged to observe instructional time and drop off students in plenty of time to avoid tardiness.

* We ask that all car-riders in the morning and afternoon stay in the car-rider line for drop off and pick-up. *

TPSD Employees will be able to drop children off at the office at 7:05 a.m.

DISMISSAL- All students will be dismissed at 2:50 p.m. If you are picking up your child, please do so at the designated area. A note from home must accompany your child if a change in afternoon transportation is needed. If your child has not been picked up by 3:15 p.m., we will begin calling parents and daycares.

Please help your child’s daily attendance by having them at school every day and on time.

The Tupelo Police Traffic Committee has recommended that all traffic enter from Cliff Gookin Blvd (from soccer fields direction) onto Rutherford Road to enter Parkway’s campus.

Morning Drop-Off: In the mornings, when traveling from the soccer fields direction, turn right into the NORTH entrance and travel to the FRONT of the school to drop off your child.
Afternoon Pick-Up: In the afternoons, when traveling from the soccer fields direction, turn right into the SOUTH entrance and travel to the BACK of the school to pick up your child.

Arrival and Dismissal Times Delayed Schedule and 60% Day

First page of the PDF file: arrivaldismissal2425

Student Absences & Excuses/Tardy Plan

Attendance – JBD TPSD Board Policy  
To be considered as having attended school for a full day, a student must be present for 63% of his/her instructional day as fixed by the Board for each individual school. For purposes of reporting absenteeism, a student who has an absence that is more than 37% of the student's instructional day shall be considered absent the entire school day.  

1. Excused Absences shall include:
    a.    Parental Excused Absences
Students are allowed to have a maximum of three (3) excused parental absences per semester. Parental absences must be substantiated in writing within 2 school days of the absence. A parent/guardian can substantiate the absence by sending a signed note, emailing or faxing to the school attendance office. The note must have the child’s first and last name and date of absence(s). A parent signed checkout will also substantiate a parental excused absence. A parental excused absence may be for one class, any 30-minute period within a class or an entire day.

    b.    Medical Excused Absences
Students are allowed excused medical absences when the absences result from illness or injury which prevents the student from being physically able to attend school; a medical or dental appointment; isolation ordered by the county health officer, and State Board of Health or appropriate school official.  Excuses from the doctor or dentist must be substantiated in writing within 2 school days of the absence.
Unexcused Absences- Any absence, tardy or dismissal, which does not meet the criteria of an excused absence, shall be considered unexcused.  No absence will be considered excused when it is due to suspension, expulsion or other disciplinary action. 
A student is considered tardy if he/she arrives after 7:50 a.m. An adult must sign in a student who is late. Tardies are reported to the state attendance officer.

Consequences for excessive tardies each 9 weeks are as follows:
• 5th tardy—parent letter; 10th tardy—overnight required conference with parent
• 15th to19th tardy—Parent contacted by phone
• 20th tardy—DHS referral
Tardy Plan
# of Tardies Consequence
Letter explaining tardies
Overnight Required Conference with student's parent
Parent contact by phone
Student will be excluded from special/extracurricular activities for the remainder of the term
Parent contact by phone. 1/2 Day ISS for student
Parent contact by phone. 1 Day ISS for student
DHS Referral


Cafeteria Guidelines

The cafeteria at Parkway Elementary will provide two nutritious meals every day- breakfast and lunch.  At the lunch meal, students are given a choice of the regular menu meal or an alternate meal. Parents and other visitors are welcome to join the students; however, we ask that you do not bring takeout food to the cafeteria.  We will not search your brown bags or lunch boxes, but we ask that you follow our request.  If you would like to have lunch prepared by our cafeteria staff, please call our cafeteria at 662-841-8942 in advance. 
Lunches at Pierce Street may be purchased for the week.  However, any day a student brings money for lunch/milk, etc. they should turn it into the cafeteria as soon as they arrive at school.  Students who bring their lunch may purchase milk or bring their own beverages. Glass bottles are not permitted. Canned drinks are allowed.  Sodas are discouraged as a part of a healthy lunch.  You may choose to send 100% pure fruit juice or bottled water.    
Parents may apply for free or reduced lunches.  If you have not received an application, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher or call the office.  You may also find an application by visiting
Staff Lunch Price:  $4.75 per lunch meal
Student Lunch Price:
PreK - $3.00
 K through 12th - $3.00 
Reduced - .40 cents   
On-line payments for meals can be made through  At no charge, Parents may create an account in order to have emails sent to their home or phone to notify of low meal balances.  Parents may check their child's meal account balance at any time at no charge.  A very small fee is charged when parents prepay money into their child's meal account.  This on-line service includes breakfast and lunch meals. 


Emergency Procedures

Fire & tornado drills are held once a month throughout the school year.

Help your child remember these basic rules:
1-    No Talking, Please!
2-    WALK
3-    Move quickly & quietly to designated areas for fire & tornado drills.
The instructions & routes are posted in each classroom & throughout the building & will be discussed with all students.
*EVACUATION SITE: In case of evacuation of the building due to a fire or other threatening situation, we will bus all children and staff to HARRISBURG BAPTIST CHURCH to remain there until our building is pronounced safe by the police department.

*In the event that our school is under a tornado warning, Parkway Elementary will be in lock-down in our safe
area until the warning is lifted. Students may not be dismissed or checked out during a warning, for the safety of staff and students.




Enrollment & Withdrawal Procedures

Enrollment Procedures:
Enrollment Policy
Withdrawal Procedures:
  • A withdrawal form needs to be completed by Parkway in order to enroll your child in another school.
  • Your child must be cleared by the media center having turned in all textbooks, and library books belonging to the school.

General Information

Literacy Statement:
Beginning in the 2014-2015 school year, a student scoring at the lowest achievement level in reading on the established state assessment for 3rd grade will not be promoted to 4th grade unless the student meets the good cause exemptions for promotion. 

GRADE LEVEL PLAYS- Every student in each grade participates in a play each year.  Being in a play provides the opportunity for each child to perform in front of an audience.  This builds self-confidence in our students and teaches students not only to perform but proper audience etiquette as well.

ART- Our students participate in art class every week.  In art, the children learn a variety of techniques such as: water coloring, shading, dimensions and others.  Parkway children’s art work can be found during the spring in the Gum Tree Museum of Art.

MEDIA CENTER- Every child has organized time to visit the media center once a week; however, the children have access to the media center every day.  During media class, the children learn how to utilize the media center more efficiently.  The media center offers a variety of nonfiction and fiction books on all reading levels for each student.  We also have Wonders textbooks that are provided to each student.

TECHNOLOGY- All students participate in all technology aspects offered at Parkway.  During technology class, the children learn a variety of computer techniques.  The children participate in programs that enhance their learning in the areas of reading and math.

CLUBS- Several after school clubs are offered on a monthly basis.  These groups engage in fun learning activities and are led by teachers and interventionists.

ARTS INTEGRATION- Parkway has participated in an Arts Integration grant for the past 6 years.  This year, we will increase these efforts by participating in the Whole Schools in conjunction with the MS Arts Commission.

TPSD CHALLENGE- Challenge classes are provided for intellectually gifted children in grades 2-6 in TPSD.  Students are screened in the 1st grade through teacher observations, group intelligence tests and achievement tests.  In some circumstances, students are screened in higher grades.  The MS Dept. of Education regulations require that all children score at or above the 91st percentile to be eligible for the challenge program.  Students who are in the program meet for 5 hours each week with the challenge teacher.

LITERACY STATEMENT- Beginning in the 2014-2015 school year, a student scoring at the lowest achievement level in reading on the established state assessment for 3rd grade will not be promoted to 4th grade unless the student meets the good cause exemptions for promotion.

PARENT CONFERENCES- Parent conferences may be scheduled at any time by contacting your child’s teacher or the school officeat 662-844-6303.

The principal is responsible for all persons in the building and on the campus and will schedule through his/her designee visits from parents, community members, and other educational professionals. The following policy applies to all visitors entering a school other than for attendance at a scheduled activity open to the general public:  In order to assure that no unauthorized persons enter the school with wrongful intent, all visitors will report to the school office when entering to receive authorization and identification passes to visit elsewhere in the building.  Parents or citizens who wish to observe a classroom while school is in session must arrange such visits in advance with the principal so that classroom disruption will be minimal.  Principals are authorized to refuse entry onto school grounds to persons who do not have legitimate business at the school and to request any unauthorized person or persons engaging in unacceptable conduct to immediately leave school property. Principals are further authorized to request assistance of law enforcement officers in cases of emergency and to seek prosecution to the full extent of the law when persons violate the intent of this policy. 

Students may not receive deliveries (flowers, balloons, candy, etc.) to the school for any occasion.

Students are asked to refrain from bringing personal items to school, especially those considered valuable as this helps to minimize distractions in the classroom as well as prevent loss or damage to personal items.   
In the event of inclement weather and school closings, parents will receive an alert now phone call (automated phone message) with details regarding the closing.  The district webpage, as well as local television and radio stations are reliable resources as well.

Upon parent request, the qualifications of teachers and assistants employed in schools or programs funded by Title 1 will be provided.  Title I School wide programs are available at Martin Luther King and all K-5 schools within the Tupelo Public School District.  For further information, please contact the Director of Federal Programs at (662-841-8850) or your child’s principal.  
Tupelo Public Schools strives to ensure that students who meet the criteria for McKinney-Vento Homeless Act of 2002 are placed upon arrival.  To ensure their placement, slots are left open should a student arrive at any time during the school year.  

Clear communication is essential in an effective school-home relationship.  If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact school personnel.  A newsletter will be posted each week informing parents of the happenings in the child’s classroom.  

The PTO is an organization of parents and teachers who work together to improve and enhance the school environment.  Everyone is invited to join and to share in that partnership of support.  Through monthly general meetings and PTO emails,  parents are kept up to date on plans and progress of our school. The PTO sponsors several projects during the year such as: Fall Festival, Family Breakfasts, Teacher Appreciation, Christmas Stars, Invest in your Child, Box Tops for Education, Kroger Rewards, and numerous other fun family/student/staff events.

Dress Code

Board Policy Code JCDB Dress Code for Students
1. Dress and grooming codes are based upon certain sound foundations, not just arbitrarily selected and dictatorially enforced without a justifiable cause. Codes and laws which address indecent exposure, personal well being, health, safety and sanitation are basic fundamentals of society. Due to evidence that suggests that a definite relationship does exist between good dress habits, good work habits, and proper school behavior, conditions conducive to learning will not be impaired or compromised due to temporary or individual fashion fads. No student’s appearance will cause a distraction to such an extent that it will hinder another student’s right to a conducive educational environment.
2. The administration, faculty, and students of Tupelo Public School District recognize that students must be aware of the importance of acceptable standards of personal appearance and dress. All students will be expected to dress in a manner that reflects favorably upon the efforts of the total educational community to provide the best learning experience possible for each student. It is the goal of the TPSD Student Dress Code to reflect neatness, cleanliness, and self-respect so that the school is a desirable place in which to promote learning and character development.
3. The District dress code is not all-inclusive--it is virtually impossible to write a dress and grooming code which will properly address every detail and aspect of appropriate dress and grooming. Therefore, it may become necessary for the building principal or a member of the administrative staff to make a judgment as to whether a student is properly groomed and/or dressed. Students may not wear attire that causes a disruption to the educational environment.
4. The Board prohibits the presence of any apparel, jewelry, accessory, notebook or manner of grooming which, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark or any other attribute, denotes membership in a group which advocates drug use, violence, or disruptive behavior. This policy shall be applied at the discretion of the principal, after consultation with the superintendent, as the need arises at individual school sites.
5. The Board authorizes the superintendent to implement specific dress codes for all students in accordance with their grade classification:


Grades K-6
1. Students are permitted to wear shorts in warm weather provided the shorts are of adequate size and length. The minimum length for shorts is index finger length with arms extended when dropped from the side. Cut-off blue jean shorts are inappropriate as well as shorts withe holes, tears, and/or shreds. Holes, tears, and /or shreds that expose undergarments and inappropriate areas (holes above the knee) are prohibited.
2. The length of dresses and skirts will not exceed four inches above the top of the knee and will also be appropriate for bending, stooping, sitting and working overhead while at school.
3. Transparent clothing without proper underclothing is inappropriate. Transparent wind suits are inappropriate. Wind suits may be worn provided they are not transparent.
4. Muscle shirts, tube tops, tank tops, razor back tops, spaghetti strap tops and fishnet tops are prohibited.
5. No clothing shall be so low in the front as to expose any part of the breast or shall be so low in the back to explode the shoulder blades.
6. The midriff shall not be exposed while walking, standing, and/or sitting.
7. An over shirt is permitted as long as a proper undergarment is worn.
8. Any article of clothing which contains or depicts the following is prohibited: substances illegal by law for minors - alcohol,drugs, tobacco; profane, suggestive, and/or violent language; derogatory symbols. or remarks directed to any ethnic group.
9. Any jewelry and/or items of ornamentation which depicts weapons of violence or substances illegal to minors are prohibited.
10. Hair shall be free from obnoxious odors, and shall be clean and neat in appearance. Picks, combs, rollers, and bonnets/sleet caps
     shall not be worn in, not on the hair.
11. Basketball jerseys shall not be worn without appropriate underclothing. Hoods should not be worn in the building.
12. Shoe/sandals shall be worn. Shoes designed to be laced shall be laced. Shoes with cleats and house shoes are inappropriate.
13. Loose and/or sagging pants,slacks, and shorts falling below the waist without a belt are prohibited.
14. Leggings/yoga pants/running pants and similar tight fitting pants are only permitted when worn with a top tha extends down from
      the shoulders to mid-thigh of the leg (front and back).
15. Sunglasses shall be removed from the head when entering a building.
16. Hats and caps, unless a part of a special event, shall not be worn in the building. The penalty for wearing a hat or cap is
      confiscation. The hat or cap will be returned to the parent upon the completion of the school year.
17. Piercing of exposed body parts that cause a distraction or cause a safety concern are prohibited. This includes body piercings
      other than ear piercing.
18. Doo-rags, bandannas, and wash clothes are prohibited.
19. All fasteners and buckles designed for use with an article of clothing shall be used appropriately at all times.
20. Restrictions on a student's manner of dress or grooming will be determined :
       (a)  where there is clear and present danger to the student's health and safety; or
       (b)  when the attire causes in interference with work, a disruption to the educational
             environment, or creates classroom or school disorder as a result of such manner
             of dress or grooming.
21. Trench coats, or other items of clothing which could be utilized to conceal dangerous or prohibited items are not allowed.
22. Hoods should not be worn in the building.

Support Services

The guidance program at Parkway Elementary is committed to the individual growth and development of each student and to working with both students and parents to ensure the greatest benefit from school experiences. Teachers, administration, parents, or students themselves may refer a student in need to the counselor at any time.
Special Education services are available at Parkway Elementary for students with special learning needs.  Testing and evaluation are part of the resources provided by specialists trained in the areas of speech and language, learning disabilities, challenge and teaching the physically handicapped.
The Challenge Program is provided for intellectually gifted children in grades two through six in the Tupelo Public School District. Students are screened in first grade through teacher observations, group intelligence tests, and achievement tests. In some circumstances, students are screened in higher grades. Students who are referred for testing take an individual intelligence test. The Mississippi Department of Education regulations require that all children score at or above the 91st percentile to be eligible for the Challenge Program. Students who are in the program meet for five hours each week with the Challenge teacher.  

Title I is the largest federal aid program for elementary, middle, and high schools. Through Title I, the Federal government gives money to school districts around the country based on the number of at-risk students in each district. The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair and significant opportunity to obtain a highquality education. Title I schools have a choice as to how they set up their Title I program as long as the program helps its students meet state academic standards. Title I funds at Pierce Street are used to:  
1.    Hire additional instructional staff,
2.    Purchase equipment and learning materials, and
3.    Support parent involvement activities.  Parents-Right-To-Know

The qualifications of teachers and paraprofessionals employed in schools funded by Title I will be provided upon parent request. Title I School wide Programs are available at the Early Childhood Education Center and the eight K-5 elementary schools. For further information, please contact the principal of the school where your child attends or the Director of Federal Programs.  In addition, a parent may request information on the level of achievement of the parent’s child on each state academic assessment, and/or a timely notice that the parent’s child has been assigned or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified.

The Tupelo Public School District routinely makes public certain directory information regarding students. This directory information includes the student name, address, telephone number, picture, height and weight of athletes, extracurricular activities, awards, honor rolls, electronic listings, Internet web pages, and other information which is typically found in school yearbooks, programs, bulletins, and student newspapers. In addition, the District discloses names, addresses, and telephone numbers to military recruiters upon request. Parents and eligible students shall have from July 15 until September 1 to review this notice and request in writing to the school principal that all or any part of the directory information not be disclosed without prior written consent.
In accordance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) regulations established by
the EPA, all school districts are required to provide an annual notification to all parents, teachers, and
employees regarding our asbestos management program. This annual notification informs all persons of
their option to review the Asbestos Management Plan for our school district.
To provide continuing management of the asbestos in our schools, all Asbestos-Containing Materials
(ACM) are inspected every six months by an accredited asbestos inspector. Any changes to these
materials are recorded in a surveillance report as part of the management plan.
Additionally, an accredited Asbestos Management Planner conducts a comprehensive inspection of all
ACM’s every 3 years. This 3-year re-inspection has been performed as required and a copy has been
filed with the Mississippi Department of Education.
A copy of the Asbestos Management Plan is located in the principal’s office at each school. In addition,
copies of all Asbestos Management Plans for the district are maintained in the Superintendent’s office
located at 72 South Green Street. If you are interested in reviewing this information, please contact the
Central Office at 662-841-8853 to schedule an appointment.