2024-25 Student Handbook
Hello! Welcome to Parkway Elementary! I am excited about the possibilities your child has here. This is a wonderful environment for students to be actively engaged in fun and challenging learning activities. Student learning is vital at this level to ensure each of our children has the opportunity to be successful throughout school as well as future college and career experiences. In order for each student to have the most successful experience possible, we must have clear communication.
Parkway teachers plan and implement exciting and engaging lessons for our students. In order for students to truly benefit from these lessons, we must have a learning environment in which our students feel safe and free to participate. My goal will be to make sure this environment exists daily. One way to meet this goal is by setting high expectations for learning and behaving while consistently applying those expectations. Your support will be vital. Working together, we can prepare our children for the future.
We encourage parent involvement; please contact your child’s teacher if you are interested in volunteering for various activities throughout the year. You are welcome at Parkway and we look forward to continued partnerships with parents and community. Without your support, we could not be successful. I will work diligently to make sure two-way communication lines are open. In addition, your participation and support will help solidify your child’s success in school. If you have concerns or questions during the year, please call or email me at 662-844-6303 or cagary@tupeloschools.com. I truly want this to be the best school year possible for everyone. Working together, I have no doubt that we will accomplish that.
Thank you for trusting us with your child’s education!
Mrs. Gary
Carmen Gary, Principal
Student Handbook Printable Version
General Information
Student Conduct
Health and Wellness
Parent and Student Acknowlegement
Please sign and submit after reading handbook.