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TPSD Board of Trustees Site Visits Understanding

  1. TPSD board members are encouraged to attend as many school events as a spectator as time permits. The superintendent will provide a list of the upcoming week’s district activities in the weekly board update.
  2. Board members wishing to visit a school shall:
    • Check with the superintendent regarding the best time to visit
    • Check in with the principal upon arrival
    • Follow campus guidelines for visitors (sing in, guest badge, etc.)
    • Respect staff time and allow staff to perform their duties
    • Not evaluate staff
    • Not give direction to any staff or students
    • Not accept gifts or favors from any district employee
  3. When visiting with teachers of their own children, board members make it clear that they are acting as parents rather than board members.
  4. If a board member observes an issue on a campus that needs administrative follow-up, the concerns will be communicated to the superintendent.