Meeting agendas are available to the public at
Procedures for public comment are clear and available at the meeting. The school board president will vocalize the public comment norms at each board meeting.
Only the board president will respond to public comment during the meeting.
The board president may recognize the superintendent for factual information
The board president may recognize a board member to respond if desired
The board president will ensure only one person speaks at a time and that each member has an equal opportunity to participate.
The public only has a right to participate in the meeting during the designated public comment time.
Board members will model the behaviors expected of students, staff and community members.
Issues, not people, will be addressed during meetings.
Members will listen respectfully to each other and staff (no side conversations).
Monitor for compliance with law and policy
Superintendent, the deputy and assistant superintendents and all board members have responsibility
Use “point of order” to interrupt and get meeting back on track.
Refrain from taking a position on an issue until all relevant information is presented
The focus of board meetings will be board work and not administrative/staff work.