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Mission, Goals and Indicators

The Tupelo Public School District serves the community by engaging each student in an excellent education that develops skills and citizenship needed for success in a global society.
  1. Increase student achievement across the District
  2. Provide a safe, secure and orderly environment in all schools
  3. Attract and retain all stakeholders
  4. Maintain sound financial stability


Goal 1: Increase student achievement across the District
Measurable Indicators
a. The District’s state ranking of 16th will rise.
b. The District will be rated “B” or above.
c. The 4-year graduation rate for the 2015-16 cohort will be 80% or higher.
d. The student average daily attendance, as defined by the state, will be 95% or higher.
e. Overall ACT scores will be above state’s average.
f. The number of seniors scoring 30 and above and the number of seniors scoring 24 and above on the ACT will increase.
g. The percentage of students scoring proficient and advanced on state tests will increase.
h. The number of students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses and the percentage scoring 3+ will increase.
i. The number of students enrolled in Dual Enrollment classes will increase.
j. Tupelo High School will have National Merit finalists, semi-finalists, recipients of commendation, and National Achievement Scholars.
Goal 2: Provide a safe, secure and orderly environment in all schools
Measurable Indicators
a. A safety and security assessment score of “passing” will be maintained.
b. The District’s crisis plan will be approved annually by the state.
c. Discipline referrals will be reported to the Board on a periodic basis.
d. Discipline practices will reflect that teachers and faculty are supported.
e. The District will continue to track Workers’ Compensation claims and incidences.
Goal 3: Attract and retain all stakeholders
Measurable Indicators
a. Average daily attendance among teachers will be 95% or above.
b. Initiatives to improve the overall health of the workforce will continue to be offered.
c. Surveys will be conducted among all stakeholders (students, teachers and parents) on a regular basis to gauge satisfaction and areas of improvement
d. The percentage of new or veteran minority teachers recruited will be increased.
e. Annual recruitment visits to Historically Black Colleges will be completed.
f. The New Teacher mentoring program and the Assistant Principals’ mentoring program will remain active throughout the school year.
g. Recruitment of prospective students will be tracked and periodically reported to the Board.
Goal 4: Maintain sound financial stability
Measurable Indicators
a. A reserve of 15% of the state and local budgets will remain in the District’s fund balance as of June 30, 2016. (Includes construction reserves)
b. Student enrollment, withdrawals, and average daily attendance will be monitored and reported regularly.
c. The superintendent and assistant superintendents will conduct and pass required state and federal audits.
Goal 5: Ensure ALL graduates are career/college ready.
Measurable Indicators

a.Emphasize creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication.
b.Promote information literacy, technology literacy, leadership, initiative, productivity, social skills, and adaptability.