About Our School
At Lawndale Elementary School we believe that student learning should be exciting, interesting, enjoyable, and rewarding. The highly qualified and exceptional staff at Lawndale strives to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment, which enhances the optimum learning experience for each student. It is our belief that student learning flourishes when parents are active partners with the school staff. Forming a strong bond with the community is essential in ensuring the success of Lawndale Elementary School.
The mission of Lawndale Elementary School is to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of ALL students, with a culture of support and sharing and whose main purpose is student learning.
- A quality education is the foundation of an effective society.
- An active partnership between home, school, and community is crucial to academic and social success.
- Learning is an ever-changing process.
- Students need to apply their learning in meaningful contexts in order to become confident, self-directed, lifelong learners.
- Each student has unique interests, needs and abilities.
- Education must encourage personal growth, self-esteem and mutual respect.
- Education must recognize and respect diversity.
- Effective education requires an investment of human and financial resources.
- Stated guidelines for behavior and consistent discipline are necessary components of a safe, orderly environment.
- Assessment of educational outcomes is essential in order to monitor student learning.