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College begins at Pre-K!
All children can learn.
Children have different learning styles.
Children are unique individuals with different abilities and interests.
Children can develop self-discipline and strategies for conflict resolution.
Chidlren can become lifelong learners. Schools can produce good citizens.
Families are our valued partners.

Pre-K Philosphy and Goals

The early childhood years are a critical time in the development for every child. The learning that takes place during the first eight years of life serves as the foundation for all later academic,social, emotional, physical and motor development. All children are capable of learning and meeting developmental milestones. Therefore, the Early Learning Guidelines are proposed to assist all early childhood educators in their efforts to provide a high- quality research-based program serving pre-kindergarten children at three and four years of age to support school readiness.

School Readiness Definition
"Responsibility for school readiness lies not with children, but with the adults who care for them and the systems that support them.” (National Governors Association, 2005., p. 29) School readiness is a multi-dimensional construct that goes beyond the skills, knowledge, and disposition of children as they enter kindergarten. Children are eligible for school when they have reached the chronological age established by the state; however, school readiness is achieved through a combination of efforts involving children, families,schools, communities, and the state.

Ready Children
Ready Children show an eagerness to explore, discover, engage, and learn. They demonstrate interest and abilities in all dimensions of early learning and development: social and emotional development; language development; cognition and general knowledge; physical well-being and motor development; and approaches toward learning. Children are unique individuals, who do not develop at the same time or in the same way.Therefore, school readiness should be viewed as a continuum of behaviors rather than an inflexible or narrow set of proficiency skills. Any age-eligible child who is eager to attend kindergarten should be deemed “ready.”

Ready Families
Ready Families recognize their role as their child's first and most stable teacher and advocate while understanding their child’s current level of development. Families ensure a safe and consistent environment, promote good health, provide steady and supportive relationships, and understand their relationship with the school system to ensure a smooth transition.

Ready Schools
Ready Schools provide a welcoming and accepting environment for all and have professional educators who consistently advance growth and achievement for students with diverse backgrounds, experiences and abilities while working in partnership with families and communities.

Ready Communities
Ready Communities include businesses, faith-based organizations, early childhood service providers,
community groups, and local governments collaborating to support schools and children’s long-term success byproviding families access to information, affordable services, and high-quality early learning opportunities.

Ready States
Ready States play a crucial part in supporting communities, schools, and families through developing
appropriate policies; providing adequate funds; ensuring access to high-quality early development and learning opportunities; preparing and retaining a world-class early childhood workforce; ensuring an infrastructure to coordinate services, including data systems for accountability and demonstrating political leadership to make school readiness a state priority.