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players and coaches

Going to the Next Level!

Artist visits Rankin

Steven Issac Randle
Visits Rankin

Thomas Street Celebrates
Black History Month

Celebrating Black History


PBIS Fun at Parkway

Dr Picou and students

Dr. Picou Teaching
About the Harmonica


100 Days Smarter!

Students dancing

Teaching Through the Arts

students and teacher

Loving to Learn at ECEC

student playing violin

Music is Life! 


Welcome Back to School!

Surprise Mrs. Wise
2024 G.I.F.T. Winner

football players and coach

Passing the Champions Torch!

Ren Crowell and Dr Picou

Congratulations Ren Crowell
TPSD Spelling Bee Winner

Walmart employees and student

Walmart Employees Give
High 5's to Thomas St.

Hillary House and Cristina Hudgins Davis

Congratulations TPSD's 
Teacher and Parent of the Year

football players and trophy

7A State Champions!

football players and coaches

Congratulations to Our Football Signees!

Coach and team

Headed to STATE!!


Balloons Over Broadway!

ECEC Pow Wow


Let's Go Tupelo!


Joyner's Barn Dance


Middle College Visits ECEC


Great Band Concert
with TPSD Bands


Another Fun Day at TPSD!

THS 2024 Girls
XC State Champs

Tupelo Boys

Tupelo Boys!

Community Voices

Leslie Tally
Leslie Tally- Mississippi Teacher of the Year

To be named Teacher of the Year for the Tupelo Public School District is truly an honor. This year, more than ever, I have felt supported in taking on new ideas and motivated to overcome new challenges. It is an honor to serve here, and it is a joy to teach our students.


Leslie Tally-2021 Teacher of the Year

Taylor Sparks
Taylor Sparks, Rankin Assistant Principal

Tupelo Schools have always been a part of my educational life. Now, as a community member and administrator, they are a part of my heart. I believe in our mission, our values, and the learning structures we provide for Tupelo's future.


Taylor Sparks- Administrator and Alumni


Katie Coon, ECEC principal
Mrs. Katie Coon, New ECEC principal

“I am honored to lead one of Tupelo’s most invaluable resources, the Early Childhood Education Center. ECEC has an incredible legacy, and I look forward to working with the staff to strengthen the positive impact that the school has in our community and beyond."


~ Katie Coon- Newly named ECEC principal

The Shumpert Family
The Shumperts

My wife and I have come full circle in the Tupelo Public School District. We have transitioned from TPSD students, TPSD employees, and now TPSD parents. Go Wave!

Ian Shumpert- Lawhon Elementary Principal

Modesty Shumpert- Administrative Assistant

Jay- Milam Student   Jillie - Lawhon Student


Abigail  Bautista
Abigail Bautista

TPSD means a lot to me because they keep us safe and teach us to be better learners. Teachers prepare us for the future and janitors clean to keep us safe. Principals find new teaching methods and counselors encourage us. Our Challenge program also helps us prepare for the future by focusing on thinking, communication and creativity skills.


Abigail Bautista- 4th grade Lawhon Student

Parent of the year
TPSD Parent of the Year

Thank you TPSD for this incredible honor. I'm so humbled, thankful for this district and the wonderful teachers, staff, students and more! #ibleedblueandgold


Mary Frances Massey- 20-21 TPSD Parent of the Year

Tupelo Public School District

District News

School Calendar

At A Glance


Athletic teams competing for the Golden Wave

3.4 M

More than $3.4 million in grants provided by Association for Excellence in Education since 1983


"A" Rated School


National Board Certified Teachers


Nationalities represented by the student body


Growing Healthy Waves connects with 10 schools so students get involved in gardening, trying new foods and  making connections with locally sourced fruits and vegetables.


Middle College students graduating with high school diploma and associates degree since 2021


Student Athlete GPA: 3.64